Breaking My Silence: Jennifer McLeggan's Cult & The West 4B Movement Farce
I'm exposing the harassment and deplatforming campaign of Jennifer McLeggan and the "West 4B Movement"/"The Stepping Razor" CultTHE WEST 4B PROBLEM WEBSITE
I Am Sasha S. Graham
I recently broke my silence about experiencing a year's long harassment campaign by Jennifer McLeggan and her cult, and they are trying to silence me.In response, I'm creating this website which can't be censored or removed.

Here's What Happened
About a year ago, I happened upon something called "West 4B Movement". It excited me because I'd been talking about separatism for a long while. She said all the right words and I was hooked immediately. However, things soon took a dark turn when I somehow earned the ire of Jennifer, the creator of West 4B.It started with Jennifer alleging that she was being aggressively pursued by a womin named Amara, claiming that she was being accused by this womin of being scammed out of $1,000. Amara has denied this and said she doesn't want the money back, and just wanted to be left alone. It came to light that she had an ongoing harassment campaign against Amara, even sending the police to intimidate her into silence.Jennifer denied this, and said Amara just wants to get the money back, and destroy Jennifer's platform. Even to day, this womin (Amara) has no platform, and has never pursued Jennifer publicly outside of defending herself. After this, a livestream was hosted via TikTok featuring several people airing out their grievances and exposing information and experiences about Jennifer.
In the beginning, I defended her, but then I told her to simply produce the evidence and null her opposition's claims. This upset her so much, it turned her ire onto me. She began insulting me based on the time of which I was born, saying that it corrupted my character, and disparaging me to her group in order to "get ahead" of scrutiny. She wanted to pass that scrutiny onto me, because it's always useful for cults to have a scapegoat. She is now accusing me of everything she's been accused of doing.
She then lied and said I'd stolen womyn's contact information after messaging a few of them to let them know I'd be starting a separate project had no ill will towards Jennifer. (See below)
I've been shown that, during the time we severed contact, until now, she's had an ongoing campaign to discredit me, and has encouraged the creation of media and content to disparage my efforts. She regularly monitors my social media, and intentionally fosters drama and division where she sees it can be made. I have blocked her and any of her cult members everywhere online, but they still pursue me.Not long ago, I was contacted by a womin who apologized for taking part in the campaign, apologizing to me for misjudging my character (based on Jennifer's accusations), and looked to join my project.I've been consistently working on projects and events dedicated to addressing sexist disparities in various societies and communities. She saw this, and noticed discrepancies in Jennifer's accusations against me vs my real behaviour.This is that message.

This is what cults do. Cults aggressively shun and destroy anyone who falls out of favor with the leader, or leaves the cult either by choice, or being driven out. I was told by someone from her discord, that she is regularly posting my content with the intention of deplatforming me entirely. She is willing to weaponize my surviving sex trafficking, and past drug abuse, along with the members of her cult, performing a humiliation ritual.When I was initially castigated, members of her cult began questioning her, and were displeased with her initial attempts to smear and discredit me.
These are the exchanges between me, another former member of the cult, and between me and Jennifer herself. She claims I didn't defend her enough, despite being repeatedly muted, removed, then blocked, unblocked, and blocked again. I then addressed this to her, and instead, she made it about what wasn't done for her, instead of what she did to me and others. Then, I saw the reality of it. She didn't want autonomous members of a community, she wanted loyal guards and attack dogs to shield her from any and all accountability for her actions.
When accusations against Jennifer came, multiple womyn urged her to simply produce evidence to debunk the claims, she then proceeded to gaslight everyone and accused us all of "taking sides". She used this as an excuse to blame me for "not defending" her thoroughly enough, and accused me of orchestrating the attack against her. When that didn't work, she called me frantically, urging me to tell the group that everything was okay, and that it was all just a misunderstanding.She was more concerned with maintaining her image, than she was with maintaining community and healthy communication with womyn she claimed to want to create community for.I didn't buy that. I pressed the issue, and she never addressed it, choosing instead to illustrate me as cooperating with her detractors, and trying to sabotage/siphon members from the group. The truth of it is, I don't look at womyn as pawns or property. I don't see us as being one side vs the other. Then, I didn't see any reason why we couldn't have separate initiatives while still working towards the same goal. Now? I know that isn't the case. She's not a separatist. She's not even a Feminist. She wants to create fanfare around herself, and an environment where she controls the narrative entirely. She wants complete control over womyn's behaviours and conversations, including mine.She was never able to disprove her opposition's claims, and has since shifted into a neo-conservative blogger, never ending her efforts to pursue me. Her cult has even gone as far as to deny I was ever trafficked, and lies consistently about my efforts and intentions. She has even gone as far as connecting with my trafficker to intimidate me.

I will never know if this was intentional or not, but I can't help but wonder how she got access to a number I don't have, and never gave her. How would she have even connected that to me if she wasn't looking for it? I didn't give her intimate details about my time being trafficked. I never gave her names, personas, locations, or anything of the sort. She had to go find that on her own. But, why would she look for that?She has mocked my activism, portraying it as silly and unnecessary to her audience. She implied that I deserved what happened to me because I was stupid. She implied I'm worth less than her because she is a nurse, and I work in construction, and now, she is using false accusations to facilitate harassment against me.Jennifer has now taken to Chat GPT to make her baseless claims more palatable to both her cult, and to the public.
I have never mocked (or even knew about) her experience with domestic violence.
I have never asked for financial contributions on my behalf in her group.**
I do not know anyone named Mindy and did not contact her or create the reddits that doxxed her.
I have never claimed that Jennifer was not fit to make commentary on Feminism because she wasn't trafficked or never suffered substance abuse.
I have never claimed to be the victim of a snark page, I parked those usernames SPECIFICALLY to avoid anyone else taking them.
I am NOT responsible for, nor did I create the YouTube channel known as "Miss Kitty"
The cult is still continuing their attacks, and celebrating what happened to me. They are actively trying to convince myself and others that I must've actually wanted what happened to me, and deserved it because of who I am. I do not care about being liked by these people. In fact, I don't consider them people at all. They are proxy abusers, the way I see it. The same types that would marry a man, witness him rape someone, and take his side. That's what their character says to me.One fanatic, claims we are similar because of her affinity to astrology, and her being born around the same time as me. But, on the back end, her leader disparages me as "religious" and "brainwashed" because I called them demons and demonic monsters. It has nothing to do with religion. These are psychopaths that fester in the darkest corners of the internet. I am nothing like them. Being born at a certain time has nothing to do with one's personality. Only someone insane could believe such a thing.I intentionally left out the lesbophobic attacks I was faced with by this group. I didn't see it as relevant before, but I do now. These are demons that have alleged that I only work with womyn I've slept with or are attracted to. They've speculated about my sex life and intentionally spread malicious lies that they knew were lies about me. They stalk my every move and have tried to find my place of employment to retaliate against me, knowing I'm a sponsor.I have blocked them all, Maddison included, wherever they were on social media. I do not speak to or about them. I do not think about them or interact with anything connected with them,They are adamant on gaslighting me into believing I am responsible for the reddits, YouTube accounts, and other Media attacking their cult leader, so I'll reiterate:
I have never mocked (or even knew about) her (Jennifer's) experience with domestic violence.
I have never asked for financial contributions on my behalf in her group.
I do not know anyone named Mindy and did not contact her or create the reddits that doxxed her.
I have never claimed that Jennifer was not fit to make commentary on Feminism because she wasn't trafficked or never suffered substance abuse.
I have never claimed to be the victim of a snark page, I parked those usernames SPECIFICALLY to avoid anyone else taking them.
I am NOT responsible for, nor did I create the YouTube channel known as "Miss Kitty"
I have never taken credit for any works that aren't mine.
I am not embarrassed about my past, I talk about it to spread awareness.
If I wanted to combat them, I'd do so publicly like I am now.
I have never hacked their phones and deleted their messages from myself to them.
They are now coordinating attempts to isolate me, and people around me from our support systems and communities. This is a tactic abusers use when they want to disempower their victims. I refuse to be their victim, and I refuse to let these abusers exert power and control over me.I've been updated that Jennifer is utilizing aliases and ChatGPT to generate false narratives, because her position is so indefensible. She and her cult are so offended by the truth, that they are initiating DARVO, and claiming that my truth justifies their lies, actions, and behaviour.Everything they have done to me, they now accuse me of doing. Every accusation that was made against them, they will shift to me.
Jennifer's ego and entitlement require her to be the only "leader". The only one with control. This is why I have, and always will advocate fiercely for decentralized leadership. I will never position myself as the sole leader or ruler of anything. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Centralized power gives way for corrupt figures, and grifters with no ties to the community, the ability to misdirect efforts and destroy entire movements. This is why they want me silent. This is why they want control over the narrative, and to stop me from "telling anyone who will listen" about what they did (and are still doing) to me.Once she could no-longer suck dry the anti-racism movement, she moved on to Feminism.She and her cult have no activist history. They've created no archives, articles, or even databases that would give them credibility, so they rushed to do that because they saw me doing it. They recognized the power in action. But, instead of cooperating with other womyn, she wants 100% control over everything. Every story written, every video released, and every word spoken. The difference between her and I, is that I didn't need to swindle $50,000 by smearing people. All of my works are, and have always been available for free online, and she can't stand that.Jennifer has made, and continues to make enemies because of her abuses against various people. She continues to treat womyn so poorly, and weaponizes her loyal cult against them in order to threaten them into silence. I'm not one to be threatened. Everything I do or say, I do with my name, face, and intentions on full display. I don't hide under the cover of anonymity or fake accounts like they do. I don't hide behind ChatGPT to generate false narratives because the truth might be unflattering to me. I don't need that.Before me, there was "ihatepickingnames". Before "ihatepickingnames", there was Amara. She (Amara) was completely isolated from all Feminist spaces because of what the West 4B cult did to her. All of that just for it to backfire.I didn't need to lift a finger to act against the West 4B cult. Jennifer did that when she tried to implement her 48 laws of power to throw other womyn in harm's way, by being intentionally inflammatory, and demanded that we all defend her regardless of her actions. She antagonizes, snarks, and berates-and then demands the absolute loyalty and obedience of everyone around her.She was initially very eager to dismiss the concerns of Lesbians, but when called on her lesbophobia, she cries "weaponizing". I recall another Lesbian leaving the group for that very reason, and another coming to me saying I was right about Jennifer.The tactics are all the same, gaslight, smear, DARVO. "You wanted it.", "It was voluntary.", "You did this to yourself." Is this someone anyone should trust with their vulnerabilities? Someone who weaponizes trauma, abuse, and more to gain the upper hand in poor attempts to humiliate enemies THEY created? Absolutely not. I've never seen such a talented liar in all my life. Someone who can so skillfully manipulate narratives, revise history, and claim that evidence of her wrongdoing is actually proof that she was in the right.When they can't beat you with truth, they try to break you with lies.No doubt, the abuses will continue, and Jennifer along with her cult will continue to make new victims. As she does, I will be right here, ready to support them will the fullness of my advocacy.
UPDATES: 02/21/2025
As the harassment continues, Jennifer encourages cult members to misrepresent my criticisms of her contacting my trafficker while ignoring my messages to her, and has warped it into accusations of my criticisms being accusations of Jennifer trafficking me herself. I've never said this and she knows that. Her intentions are to gaslight me with hidden attacks and misrepresenting my position, so everyone else will be too confused to understand the severity of her abusive behaviour.Here's what happened: While building her Whatsapp group, I told Jennifer that I only had one phone number, and one Whatsapp account. Jennifer had made plans to distance herself from me (see below)...
...for whatever reason. I assumed that this was just another baseless attack from one of her many, many enemies (that she made through mistreating, abusing, and blackmailing people). As it turns out, this was true. Jennifer had removed me from her group once before, and didn't speak for a while until she figured I'd be useful again.After deleting me from the group a second time, and potentially blocking/unblocking (or ignoring) messages from my other account, she added a 313 number, claiming it was me to the group, saying it had my photo.The only account that could exist like that, would be from the pimp "organization" that harmed me. Jennifer searched for information on me, which is the only way she would've come across this information, since I haven't shared that with anyone.This is my accusation against Jennifer. Not that she trafficked me, but through her sick manipulation methods, she invaded my privacy, and indirectly threatened me by letting me know she found information about me that I never shared with her. She will do anything to obscure criticisms of her corrupt character.
This is a vicious and habitual liar who:
Admits to, and encourages others to want to see me fail.
Uses, abuses, blackmails, and manipulates anyone who comes to her, that is eager about activism.
Threatens vulnerable mothers by calling police to threaten them under the guise of "wellness checks".
Has a history attempting to humiliate anyone who challenges her authority
Misuses activists spaces and the efforts of people around her for personal gain.
I've never had to "hide behind walls" to tell people about what Jennifer has done to me. I've had multiple public conversations, livestreams, and have talked in meetings about the things she's done.I always wondered why she would never show her face, or use any part of her real identity in her actions, and she claimed it was to protect her privacy and safety. She would cite that it's dangerous to be a Feminist in times like these. While that is true, the real reason for her anonymity is far darker.She weaponized her anonymity to hunt down and destroy any Womyn that she can't control. Mack, ihatpickingnames, Amara, and now me. She knows she cannot use me anymore. She knows that the line into the revolving door of victims that she creates is getting shorter.People have seen my efforts, some have even tried to go against me, but they all come back later and tell me I was right. I was right about how she treats people. I was right about her misdirecting efforts. I was right about her using the people around her as armor while she antagonizes and instigates, putting them in harm's way.Even as it was happening, some followers came to offer me comfort after she lied about, and disparaged me to 500+ people in order to preserve her decaying public image.
I've always protected the female people around me from harm, even if I found their character distasteful, but this person is not my sister. I genuinely believe she's evil, if not a psychopath.I've taken in the ladies she discarded and mobilized them. I tell my sisters that no-one is useless, and we don't even have to like each other or work together. As long as we're pursuing the same goals, we can still achieve liberation and self-determination.She is known for drama and defeatism. I'm known for aggression and action. One attitude keeps us in a perpetual state of need, the other allows us to achieve independence. She wants to ensure that she, and she alone is always needed, so that she always has control. This is why she's so persistent.She also lied about having any proof or evidence that the YouTube channels and reddit pages belonged to me, because without those, she cannot smear me. She claimed to have had an attorney reach out to reddit to get the information about the ISP (internet service provider) of the person who made the account. To do that, she would need a subpoena. To get a subpoena, she'd have to deliver an affidavit to reddit and the ISP. Once she has the proof, I'd be served with legal paperwork, which hasn't happened.This is because she knows the person doing this isn't me. She knows, but I am her only remaining public facing opposition. As long as I exist, the people she abuses have a place to go. She can't have that. She has to ensure that they have no options, and that she "makes an example of me" as is being said in her group chat.Just like she lied about registering a business.
Just like how she wanted me to lie to the cult members and tell them that everything was okay.
Just like how she lied about doxxing Amara.
Just like how she and her cult lie on me now.I will continue to tell my story to protect anyone else from falling into such a twisted, grotesque environment where the worst of the worst thrive.